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The World of Caves

Welkom to my website. On this website I want to give you a view into the world of caves. For many people caves are a unknown world. People have no idea what is there to see and do. Caves are libaries of the history of our planet. They give information about geology, biology, humanhistory, climat (changes) or waterhydrology. Caves also attract adventurers like speleoligists (cavers), and photographers. They explore the caves and make maps of the environment. Caving challenges people to their boundaries. To visit a cave you need special skills. You have to follow training with ropetechniques. Also you have to be in good shape.

On this website I want to tell you something  about what you can see underground and what is neccessary to make pictures. Without a team it is nearly impossible to make photo's. My team are friends from our speleogroup "Schravelaar" (section of Speleo Nederland). In our country, The Netherlands we have no caves. Mainly there are 4 kinds of caves: limestone caves, sandstone caves, salt caves and volcanic caves. All have a different environment. The biggest group of caves are limestone caves. You find them all over the world.  They can be more than 2 km deep.  To get deep into a cave you need ropes and waterproof (or waterproof packed) equipment. If you want to make photo's you need two or three bags to carry around for 6-10 hours or even more. In our country there are only a handfull of cavers who make pictures underground.

Any use and reproduction of photos is prohibited

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