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Photo weekend for photographers with Philippe Crochet

Memories! In 2019 the Belgium speleoclubs organized a weekend for cavephotographers. They invited Philippe Crochet who was in Belgium for making photo's for his book about "The Caves of Han". Meetingpoint was friday evening in a gite near Han. After getting to know everybody Philippe told us his planes for the weekend.

On saturday and sunday we visited The Caves of Han, aspecialy Reseau Sud. In the evening Philippe told us about his way of working in a cave. He also gave information about equipment and costs. After the cavevisit on saturday we dicussed the results .

On sunday the plan was to make the same pictures again but than improved with Philipps knowledge of composition and lighting. It was a wonderful weekend wit friends. Our host Jean-Marc Mattlet arranged all the food and organisation around the weekend for wich we were very grateful.

Above our group near the entrance of The Caves of Han (picture Joël Fontenette)

Down below some pictures from Reseau Sud. I worked together with Guido de Keyzer and Erik Claes.


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